There’s been a lot of talk in my social media circles about “subtracting” – removing the things from your life, business, relationships, etc. that are no longer needed, that are possibly, even clogging the way for more and better things to appear. We used to call that purging. I recently purged a lot of stuff from my life. I’ve talked about that quite a bit, but even now I find that there’s even more that I need to let go of.
Recently we moved to a much smaller home. At this point in time, my daughter and I are living here, in this very small space, and definitely finding it a challenge to avoid clutter. My daughter is a teenaged girl, so clutter is part of the package, but we’re trying. Last night, I was setting up a new piece of hardware and I realized I had no place to put it. My bedroom is my everything room – it houses my bed, my office, my altar, my clothes, my jewelry, etc. It has to, in this house – and I’m ok with that. I realized that I needed to clear more out – I truly thought I’d purged everything that I could get rid of, and maybe at the time, that was true – but I was amazed at how much more I’m ready to let go of now.
I recently came across the phrase, “Process of Illumination” and something struck me. Shining light on the deepest corners of our lives, our homes, our minds, our souls, reveals so much. Are we willing to look? Really look? For me, it comes in stages and what I was willing to see in February is different from what I’m willing to see now. And that’s good. It’s a process. What does safety look like, what things represent security to me? And is that real? Maybe. Maybe not. So I’m shining the light into the deep recesses of every part of my life and I’m finding that there’s more that needs to go. And in that “process of illumination”, I’m creating a process of elimination – not just of things, but of ideas, wounds, even relationships that don’t serve the greater good. And what I’m finding, is that even in the relationships, I don’t feel a sense of anger, but more gratitude. Thank you for being a part of my journey and letting them go. The more I let go of, the lighter I feel.
What do you need more of in your life? Are you willing to remove the unnecessary in order to make room for it?