Are you a new year’s resolution kind of person? Or do you go with the flow? I like to think I’m a combination; I plan my intentions, the steps I need to take to reach them, and I celebrate the victories. However, I am very flexible if what I thought I wanted turns out to be not exactly what I expected. New year now what? This year, I’m starting to examine everything. I’m examining how certain things make me feel. This year I want my idea of success to be more about how I feel than what I do, or have. I’m incorporating metaphysical things into my tracking, and my planning more than ever.
In December, I shared a free tool that I’ve come up with to really narrow down what you’re looking to accomplish with your intentions. If you haven’t already, please feel free to download it and play along. I’d love to hear what you think of it, if you’re so inclined. Included are links to my social media, so if you want to reach out, please do!
As a student of my own work, I filled mine out – finished it this morning. I’m feeling really good about this coming year. I think we’re due, don’t you?
New Year Now what Focus
There are five areas I’m focusing on in the coming year. They are:
- Creativity
Music, Design, Writing – I’m committed to setting aside time, EVERY DAY, to create. I’m not really worried about keeping balance between the separate disciplines, but rather to just create, every single day. - Health
Almost everyone sets a weightloss intention – but this year I’m focused on wellness. I’m not interested in the numbers on the scale, rather the numbers in my blood work. If that happens to lead to weight loss, great, but that’s not my focus. - Magical Living
If you know me, you know I’m into Astrology, Tarot, Crystals, etc. This year I’m focussing on making the following of these things a more serious practice. Astrology is my particular focus as I’m very interested in broadening my understanding and practical use of it. - Visibility
I believe I have a lot to offer the world (I believe we all do, actually), but I’ve been kind of in the shadows. This is the year I change that. I’m committing to two YouTube videos a month and twice weekly reels. - Connection
I feel pretty disconnected from my IRL community. We’ve had a lot of quarantine and then stuff kind of got in the way of getting together. I’m committing to making (and keeping!) playdates with the people who fill me up, make me laugh, and just plain make me feel good!
Your New Year Now What?
How about you? What are you doing to shake this year up? I’d love to hear from you!