A while back, speaking with a dear friend about the shift that was taking place. She said, “I broke a vow of silence this year.” I replied that I felt that we all had. Have you felt that? All the women that I know are going through some sort of shift like that and it’s so powerful to watch. To experience each woman’s emergence into the light, into their truth, into their power. I feel like this speaking up is a common thread in the lives of everyone I know. Moreover, on the world stage it’s pretty prevalent as well. Black Lives Matter, the #metoo movement, the political climate, the refugee crisis, etc. We seem to be in the last. gasping breath of the patriarchy and coming into a new world.
Let’s be really clear, though. This is not going to be easy. This is going to be a struggle, and I feel that there will be more of a cha cha, then a continuous forward motion. A couple of steps forward, a couple of steps, back, but the most important thing is that we continue to do everything we can to speak up, to be seen, and to move us into a new age.
Let’s Make Self Care a Common Thread
This (r)evolution is heavy stuff and I think women forget to retreat into self care, often enough. I am making this coming year, one in which we support each other, not only in our struggles, but in our own care. What does that look like to you? Do we need to hold one another accountable for our own self care? Is that something you’d be interested? Maybe sort of a text circle where we can check in with one another and inspire each other to create our own self care?
Care to weigh in on this?